The Pirate Church is a Private Membership Association (Private Religious Association) that has a partnership with the Collins Estate, through their Trust, for the betterment of it’s members.
In part, the hope is that The Pirate Church, PMA shall continue the religious, philosophical and spiritual traditions of it’s founder, Captain Edward Collins – may he never thirst & rum be upon hum.
The main goals of The Pirate Church is to foster spiritual exploration among it’s members, while conducting metaphysical research and publishing material on fringe occult topics. Traditional churches, sects and religious orders do not foster an environment of exploration, and for good reason. Spiritual exploration can be dangerous, so some accountability is needed in order to protect the individuals involved.
Being accountable to a Crew ensures that the individual doesn’t (needlessly) go off the rails, damage their psyche or suffer (un-needed) physical harm – again metaphysical and spiritual research, spirit quests and psychic voyages can be dangerous. Plus, engaging gurus, yoga teachers and evangelical ministers of all stripes (baptist, muslim, etc.) can pose a risk. Again, it’s always good to have someone watching your back when going out on the High Seas of All Wyrd Strangeness.
The Pirate Church qualifies as legal church under US Code, State Law & IRS Code.